Take a look at our returns calculator to see what profit our low-risk arbitrage strategy could provide for you.
Why Invest with ELA
As an authorised financial services provider and licensed forex dealer, we make cryptocurrency arbitrage easily accessible to ordinary and sophisticated investors alike.
Tax compliant South Africans can use their R11 million a year offshore allowances (R1 million discretionary allowance and R10 million a year foreign investment allowance).
We open your own forex account and our licensed brokers process these transactions in a seamless and risk-free manner.
Returns Calculator
Consider using R500 000 trading capital to halve the trade period and increase profits by R4 000 per million traded.
- 2 Trades a week - Min. investment amount R100 000 - Based on the full R11 million investment allowance
- Values presented above are estimates. - Request a call to find out more. - SWIFT Fees are fixed at R500 per transaction
Invest With Confidence
An arbitrage solution that is secure, compliant, and easy to use.
South African partner witn Circle & delivering arbitrage through USDC.
Funds under management within our arbitrage managed services.
ELA is one of the few authorised Financial Services Providers
We Partner With The Best
Circle is a world leader in the crypto industry and is leading innovation with its USDC stablecoin product. ELA is proud to be one of the few approved partners in South Africa to use USDC and the Circle infrastructure within its arbitrage product.
A Word From Our Clients
“Finally I was able to find a low-risk solution for entering into the exciting world of cryptocurrencies. I've benefitted from ELA's expertise.”
Thediso Khumalo
ELA Artbitrage Investor
“I've always valued ELA's transparency with how they conduct my investments. I'm happy that I got introduced to them.”
Angela Herald
ELA Investor
“My initial R100k investment has performed well and I've just taken the decision to increase my offshore investment allocation to ELA.”
Arbitrage is the profiting of price differences of the same asset in different markets. Investors in countries with exchange controls – like South Africa can expect to pay more for internationally traded assets due to the restricted supply of hard currencies like the US Dollar. This is how arbitrage opportunities arise.
What exchanges do you use?
We have partnerships with many internationally recognised trading platforms, such as Kraken, Circle, Ovex, Valr and Luno.
What Stablecoin are funds settled in?
Funds are settled in ‘USDC’ rather than other currencies for arbitrage purposes because it allows for a completely low-free trade.
What is my eligible yearly off-shore allowances?
Tax compliant South Africans get R11 million a year offshore allowances. R1 million discretionary allowance and R10 million a year foreign investment allowance.
How to apply for an FIA
If you need assistance in applying for your foreign investment allowance, please inform us and on of our dedicated tax advisors will assist.
What is the minimum capital investment?
ELA requires starting capital investment of R100 000 to participate in the cryptocurrency arbitrage fund.
Ready to take the next step?
Speak with one of our financial specialists today.